Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Lockett Range to Cobb Valley

April 8th - 10th 2012

Thanks to a cousins 21st over Easter weekend Dad, Alice and I were lucky enough to fit in a three day tramp in Kahurangi National Park. Absolutely stunning, summer like weather led to our departure on Sunday leaving us very excited about the pending adventure. We set off late morning after bidding Mackenzie farewell for her trip to Australia and were up in the Cobb valley by 1pm. A very gentle 4WD track led us to Sylvester Hut in an easy 1.5hours. Along the way we were a little put off after trampers coming in the other direction who told us they had counted 27 other trampers heading into the area that day! Luckily for us the last people we saw were at Iron Lake and following that no one was seen until the final car park. Following on from Sylvester Hut we made our way around to Lake Sylvester and up to Iron Lake, aiming to camp the night at Lake Lillie.

Walking up from Sylvester Lake

Two helicopters and 15 people coming down from Iron Lake sparked excitement from Alice as she hoped that we had come across some filming of the Hobbit. Unfortunately her hopes were dashed when we learned that it was just two helicopter loads of German tourists - taking the easy way up! On arrival at Iron Lake the wind was blowing a gale, and slight apprehension about the looming norwester and our planned alpine campsite edged its way in. We made the decision to drop down the stream from Iron Lake to find a more settled campsite. About 200m below we found the perfect spot, just on the bush edge out of the wind and carved out by visitors before us – rustic glass bottles and all!

After a leisurely 3.5 hours of walking we settled down for the night knowing we had a big day ahead of us especially considering we weren't camped as high or as far on as originally planned.

The next morning heralded another beautiful day and after a quick breakfast we followed what looked like an old Forest Services track from our campsite to bush line just below Lake Lillie.

Sidling below Lake Lillie just above bush line

We then made perhaps the wrong decision to sidle around and join the ridge line at the low point of 1400m rather than head straight up the ridge north of Lake Lillie. The going was initially very pleasant with sparkling views of Diamond Lake but soon enough the terrain turned to very thick scrub (Spaniards and all!) making for slow progress.

When we finally reached the main ridge we were rewarded with spectacular views in all directions particularly over and beyond the Peel range.

View into the Cobb Valley

From here it was just a matter of following the Lockett Range over Mt Benson and as far as we chose till a suitable camp spot was found – initial thoughts were to camp at the small tarn before the Fenella Hut track.

Following Lockett Range to Mt Benson with Diamond Lake and Iron Hill behind
Ruby Lake
Some small scrambles were had on the way up Mt Benson and Alice tackled these with ease (her first time on such terrain).

Mt Benson, 1661m

Following a quick lunch on Mt Benson we continued on our way following an easy ridge before a large drop after Point 1672. An impressive vista of the climb the other side greeted us but any anxiety was soon settled as an easy sidle meant we could avoid the rocky and steep peak.

View along the Lockett Range

After a few more ups and downs, and narrow points on the ridge we hit a flat section after Point 1503. With almost 8 hours of walking behind us and tiring legs we were happy that what seemed to be the hard yards was behind us. Little did we know there were still a few gnarly bush bluffs to get around before we reached the tarn. Once again Alice tackled these confidently and demonstrated her toughness at the end of a long day. The tarn proved to be little more than a puddle of water and with dark clouds edging in plus a blustering wind picking up we decided to push on to Fenella hut for the night.

Happy to have arrived at Fenella Hut

After a 9 hour day the beautiful wee hut in memory of Fenella Druce (who died when the old Three Johns Hut blew off Barron Saddle in Mount Cook National Park) served us well and we were fast asleep not long after arriving. The next day was an easy wander out the Cobb Valley.

Easy travel out the Cobb Valley

Passing three huts on our way and ending at Trilobite Hut increased our Hut bagging rights considerably! After inspecting the insides of Tent Camp we were happy with our choice of accommodation the night before.
Tent Camp

With a race against the incoming rain we were at the road end in 3 hours and a following a quick 10km run for me to pick up the car we were on our way back to Sunny Nelson. A wonderful trip with varied and spectacular terrain, and of course awesome company!

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  1. nice wee trip! may do that if weather lets us in next week or two! thanks

    1. Awesome, hope the weather holds for you. Its a beautiful area!
